Life Changers is a free, four month gardening programme, starting Summer 2024, for those living with a life-changing illness or injury to enable them to improve their health and wellbeing. Whether recovering from a stroke, cancer or surgery, or living with a long term condition like diabetes, multiple sclerosis or Long Covid, people experiencing a life-changing health condition can experience the joy of gardening, build new friendships and increase social networks and build confidence to regain or maintain an active, healthy and independent life.
Typical activities include seed sowing, propagation and potting on and planting out, planting salad/herb containers to encourage healthy eating, or craft activities e.g. Christmas wreaths. No previous gardening experience required.
Tuesday 10.30-3.30 at our gardens in Beech Hill, Reading RG7 2AT
For more information and to book tel 0118 988 4844/ or email or look on our website.